South East Wisconsin

Walking to remember all the little babies who will never have a chance to walk this earth due to loss from Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss. Supporting the families who were impacted by this very common occurence and walking to drop those numbers.

Goal ~ $4700
Raised ~ $510

*See the PAY IT FORWARD post below for information on where and what all donations will be used for.

Donate through @

Walk Info

When: Oct 15th, 2011 11am - 5pm

*Registration begins at 11am at Case Eagle Pk and the walk will begin at 1pm following the balloon release. Family picnic to follow the walk at Riverside Pk in Burlington. Raffles to donate monetary donations will be held at the picnic and a bus will hopefully be avaliable for transportation back to Case Eagle after the walk. Please stay tuned for more info as this comes together!

Where: Case Eagle Park Rochester WI to Riverside Park Burlington, WI.

Family picnic to follow walk, please feel free to bring a dish to pass!

Why: To raise awareness of the occurence of Miscarrage, Stillbirth, and Infant Death. To support the many families impacted by these tragedies daily. And to REMEMBER the little ones who will never have a chance to walk this earth but have left everlasting footprints upon our hearts.

Help: You CAN HELP! Please contact Krystal Kaye @ to help out! We need people to pull wagons of water, bring food for the picnic at the end of the race, making fliers, spreading the word and much more!

You can send donations through at

We need to raise money for Tshirts for the parents, water for the walkers, balloons and butterflies for the release, chalk for the name drawings, food for the picnic and a shuttle for the walkers at the end of the walk back to Case Eagle Park!

We are also raising money for various projects started by fellow berieved families helping families all over the world.

Other ways to DONATE!

We are in need of peole willing to donate time as well. Some of these dutys include:

Pulling wagons with water for the walkers.
Filling balloons for the release at Case Eagle before the walk
Taking pictures of and drawing names of children whove passed for the bereaved families & blog page.
Services of buisness you own or work for that can assist in the walk in any way.
Again EVERY little bit helps and is GREATLY appreciated!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


During the family picnic we will be holding a raffle for various goods. Each raffle ticket will be $1 and you are welcome to put as many on each raffle item as you wish to raise your chances at winning that item!  All those who wish to join in on the raffle are asked they stay for the drawing at 5pm following the picnic to receive your item. After the raffle drawings we will provide a bus for transport back to Case Eagle Park starting at 5pm.
Some of the wonderful raffle items you have a chance to win include:

Grand Geneva Resort & Spa gift certificate valued at over $300.00

Mary Kay gift package

Autumn Basket including; 2 Coffee mugs, 5pk.Mocha Cappuccino, Sugar Cookies & Apple Cinnamon Wax Tarts w/ Burner, Vanilla Spice Potpourri w/ Holder

Christmas Basket including; 2 Christmas Coffee Mugs, 5pk French Vanilla Cappuccino, 2 Packs Christmas Cards.

Sweet Pea Scented Spa Basket

A Baby Boy Basket
A Baby Girl Basket

A Discovery Toy

A Fingerless Mit & Headwrap Handknit set from Pinkebody

& MANY more to come!!!

If you are planning on bringing a raffle item please contact Krystal @ so they can be listed! THANK YOU! <3

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Family Picnic

At the end of the walk we are having a family picnic at Riverside Park. This is a "potluck" style picnic and those who wish to attend are encouraged to bring a dish to pass (snack style; chips,dips, taco rolls,pastas or veggie salads etc). We will have someone available at Riverside park the morning of the walk to collect the food and beverages people bring to share. You are welcome to bring all food items and raffle items to Riverside before joining us at Case Eagle for registration the morning of the walk.

We are also planning on having a raffle to raise donations for projects like SOBBS, Holden Uganda and Star Legacy Foundation. We have been having an excellent response for donations and wish to gather a large amount to donate to these foundations!

Other activities we are hoping to offer at the picnic include cookie decorating and decorating a banner for the walk to remember.

We are also working on having a bus to transport people back to Case Eagle after the walk. More information to come on this in the near future. Again, Thanks to all those who have been so helpful and encouraging while planning this walk to remember. God Bless!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


For those who are coming from our of town or haven't a clue just where Case Eagle or Riverside parks are I have made a map of where the parks are located and the course of the walk.

This is the LINK to the Rochester, WI map. You can click on each Case Eagle and Riverside parks on the left of the screen to show the pin point of just where the parks are located.

*You can click the bicycle icon on the directions information area to see the route of the walk its self along the trail. Click get directions under the Case Eagle link and click the bicycle icon. The trail will be marked in green.

Here are a few easy peasy directions from both Milwaukee, Chicago, Elkhorn or Racine.

From Milwaukee:

Take Hwy 36 South to Hwy J in Rochester. Take a Right on J and Case Eagle will be on your left about 2 blocks down.

From Chicago:

Take HWY 94 North to Exit 333 Waterford HWY 20. Take HWY 20 south to 36. Take a left on 36S to HWY J. Right on J and Case Eagle will be on your left 2 blocks in.

From Elkhorn:

Take HWY north 11 out of Elkhorn through the Bypass in Burlington, Hook up with 36 north into Waterford. Take a Left on HWY J in Rochester, Case Eagle will be on your left 2 blocks off of 36.

From Racine:

Take either HWY 11south to the Bypass 36north to HWY J left on J to Case Eagle 2 blocks off on the left or HWY 20 south to HWY D south then take HWY 36 south (Left) to HWY J on your right. Case Eagle is 2 blocks off of 36 on your left.

*For more specific directions to this location use this map link, click on Case Eagle pk and then  "directions" in the box that pops up. You can just put your zip code in as the starting point and it will give you detailed directions to the Walk start at Case Eagle park in Rochester, WI.

Hope to see many beautiful faces on October 15th!

God Bless!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Volunteer Sign Ups!

Less then 3 WEEKS to GO!

We are going to need a strong community to pull off this walk in the fall! So we are looking for volunteers for various assignments through out the day! Please message me if you are able to fill any of these positions that day or help out in anyway! Again all help is so deeply appreciated.

Volunteer Positions Needed:

Before Walk

Raffle items to raffle off on-line to raise money to purchase items like park registrations and items that have not been donated by other outside sources. All proceeds will be sent to the designated non profit organizations such as Holden Uganda, the MISS foundation, Sweet Pea Project & SOBBS. See above previous posts for links to their web pages!

Day Of Walk

Registration Table:

*Take names and Emails, collect donations & pass out information*

                                _Jackie Strelow
                                __Gina K_____

Balloon, Chalk and Tshirt Table:

*Hand out items, fill balloons and collect donations*
                               __Alex D._____


Anyone interested in reading a speech, reading a poem, or telling their story is more than welcome to!
I would like to have an area set up for this and to announce the start of the balloon release and walk.

During Walk

Water Wagons:
* Pull wagons with water for walkers during walk or provide a wagon for the walk*

                             Shari and Jen C.__
                             Briana and Tia___

Chalk Names:
*Draw angel names on side walk during walk for parents of angels using a list provided*

                           Kristen P________
                           Krystal K________
                           Kim A__________

*Take photos of before, during and after the walk; of walkers, angel names, balloon release & the family picnic after the walk (All photographs will be used at the discretion of the photographer)

                           Karie S._________
                           Tammera H.______

After Walk

Family Picnic:

We are in need of a few people to set up tables and possibly tents, Bring and set up Food and Beverages, Supplies such as cups, napkins, utensils, etc. You can post if you would like to bring a dish to pass, or certain supplies. ANY and ALL contributions are greatly appreciated and together can make this work! I will add names and contributions below here as I receive them.

Things & People needed:

*Feel Free to sign up by leaving a message here, through Email or on our Face book page!

Water: Alex's Family
Plates: Mandy P
Napkins:Mandy P
Utensils:Mandy P
Cups:Mandy P
Beverages: Kayes 4 2liters
Dishes to Pass: Alex D. Aubrey J.
Tables for food: Kayes 2-6' tables
Coolers for beverages: Alex D.
Pop Up Tents:
Set up and Clean up Volunteers: Matt K

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Paying it Forward

Through out this grief there have been so many people who have helped me cope and carry on. Many of these projects have been started by families who, like myself, have lost their child. They are doing such beautiful work and helping so many families I want nothing more than to give back! Here are a few BEAUTIFUL projects that have personally helped me.

Non-Profit Organizations we would like to donate to:

*Enraptured Embrace: : A group of sisters who make quilts and other items of remembrance out of the clothing from the loved one who have passed.
I would like to raise $300 towards supplies for quilts for families.

*The Sweet Pea Project:
Stephanie Cole after the death of her daughter Madeline, as a way to honor her memory and reach out to other bereaved parents.
The Sweet Pea Project offers comfort, support and gentle guidance to families who have experienced the death of a baby.
Sweet Pea Project Blankets have been donated to hospitals across the country and a new Book Donation Project was launched in June 2010 after the release of Stephanie's book, Still. Sweet Pea Project was created by
I would like to raise $300 towards Blankets, Shipping Costs and Books for bereaved families.

*Holden Uganda:

Holden Uganda was founded in December 2010 to spread the love of Christ with people around the globe. Our mission is to provide clean drinking water, through Artisan wells, to African communities.
Our initial project was to build nine wells in Uganda, representing the nine months of life Holden lived on earth. The Lord has blessed abundantly, and we have reached that goal as of 1/8/2011. We will continue to build wells for as long as they are funded. In the words of a dear friend, “When you are in God’s will there are NO LIMITS - don’t let it stop with 9!”
These wells provide HOPE. Between 500 & 2000 Ugandan people are given hope through clean drinking water with each well. Also, each well is dedicated to a baby or child who went to heaven before his/her parents, providing hope to the families.
I would like to raise $2000 ~the price of an entire well in Uganda Africa.
I would like to raise $300 towards S.o.b.b.s $10,000 goal.

*These are just a few of the projects we would like to help, as they help families all over the world every day enduring the pain of losing a child.

So far the "Donation Goal" which includes our "walk costs" ( food, water, supplies, etc.) and monetary donations towards other projects is $4,200!!
Please help us meet our goal through monetary or donated services and goods!!

God Bless!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Donations Needed!

Here are some of the Costs we will have for hosting the walk. Donations will be needed and will be greatly appreciated!!!

Water: Depending on the amount of walkers we have, i would like to have water available durring the walk and after.

Food and Beverages: Food and Beverage for after the walk at Riverside Park. Bring a dish to pass!
Nestle water is $3.49 for a 24 pack.

Park Reservations: will be 175$ for the pavillion at Riverside park in Burlington WI

Balloon Release: $7 for 100ct pastel balloons. $60.98 for helium tank rental.
Butterfly Release: $96.49 for a live butterfly release.
Chalk Names: $5 for a 52ct. bucket for sidewalk chalk. Need at least 2-3 depending on the amount of angel names requested.

T-Shirts: Aprox. 10$ a piece for T-Shirts. Depending on the amount of Angel Parents we have in the walk, I would like to offer each parent of an angel a T Shirt. Pink for the Angle girls, Blue for the boys and White and black for the M/C parents.
Tshirt design is in the making! Please keep an eye out for the reveal!

Remembrance Bricks: At the Veterans Memorial Building, Burlington WI.
I would love to buy a brick in remembrance of all the babies we are walking for this day.
$500 Large brick
$125 Small brick

In the beginning

This is the beginning of a beautiful thing. I am hoping that in starting this walk to remember, we can raise awareness of the severity in the statistics of Stillbirth all over the world. The numbers of this occurring in America alone are devastating, as 71 babies a day fail to join us in this world due to stillbirth. That makes 142 parents a DAY put on these shoes I wear for the rest of my life. To me that is FAR TOO MANY! As we also find that 80% of those births have NO medical reason behind what happened. Which leaves those parents feeling confused and alone in a world of consuming grief. I want to change that, all of it. To find answers and ways to avoid this from occurring to help parents on this road feel comforted and fill them with hope that their child will never be forgotten.
A fellow angel mommy and I had lunch yesterday and we came up with the idea to have a walk to remember and celebrate our children as little of a life as they had they made a footprint on our hearts that last a lifetime. We also want to raise awareness and support other families enduring the pain of loosing a child due to issues such as Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death.
As little, if any, time they were here with us on this Earth, the impact of their life with us is forever lasting. We will forever have a child missing from each family photo, from each bedtime routine of kissing and tucking in, from each head count in the morning and member at the dinner table at night. We walk, because they never had the chance to.