South East Wisconsin

Walking to remember all the little babies who will never have a chance to walk this earth due to loss from Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss. Supporting the families who were impacted by this very common occurence and walking to drop those numbers.

Goal ~ $4700
Raised ~ $510

*See the PAY IT FORWARD post below for information on where and what all donations will be used for.

Donate through @

Walk Info

When: Oct 15th, 2011 11am - 5pm

*Registration begins at 11am at Case Eagle Pk and the walk will begin at 1pm following the balloon release. Family picnic to follow the walk at Riverside Pk in Burlington. Raffles to donate monetary donations will be held at the picnic and a bus will hopefully be avaliable for transportation back to Case Eagle after the walk. Please stay tuned for more info as this comes together!

Where: Case Eagle Park Rochester WI to Riverside Park Burlington, WI.

Family picnic to follow walk, please feel free to bring a dish to pass!

Why: To raise awareness of the occurence of Miscarrage, Stillbirth, and Infant Death. To support the many families impacted by these tragedies daily. And to REMEMBER the little ones who will never have a chance to walk this earth but have left everlasting footprints upon our hearts.

Help: You CAN HELP! Please contact Krystal Kaye @ to help out! We need people to pull wagons of water, bring food for the picnic at the end of the race, making fliers, spreading the word and much more!

You can send donations through at

We need to raise money for Tshirts for the parents, water for the walkers, balloons and butterflies for the release, chalk for the name drawings, food for the picnic and a shuttle for the walkers at the end of the walk back to Case Eagle Park!

We are also raising money for various projects started by fellow berieved families helping families all over the world.

Other ways to DONATE!

We are in need of peole willing to donate time as well. Some of these dutys include:

Pulling wagons with water for the walkers.
Filling balloons for the release at Case Eagle before the walk
Taking pictures of and drawing names of children whove passed for the bereaved families & blog page.
Services of buisness you own or work for that can assist in the walk in any way.
Again EVERY little bit helps and is GREATLY appreciated!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Volunteer Sign Ups!

Less then 3 WEEKS to GO!

We are going to need a strong community to pull off this walk in the fall! So we are looking for volunteers for various assignments through out the day! Please message me if you are able to fill any of these positions that day or help out in anyway! Again all help is so deeply appreciated.

Volunteer Positions Needed:

Before Walk

Raffle items to raffle off on-line to raise money to purchase items like park registrations and items that have not been donated by other outside sources. All proceeds will be sent to the designated non profit organizations such as Holden Uganda, the MISS foundation, Sweet Pea Project & SOBBS. See above previous posts for links to their web pages!

Day Of Walk

Registration Table:

*Take names and Emails, collect donations & pass out information*

                                _Jackie Strelow
                                __Gina K_____

Balloon, Chalk and Tshirt Table:

*Hand out items, fill balloons and collect donations*
                               __Alex D._____


Anyone interested in reading a speech, reading a poem, or telling their story is more than welcome to!
I would like to have an area set up for this and to announce the start of the balloon release and walk.

During Walk

Water Wagons:
* Pull wagons with water for walkers during walk or provide a wagon for the walk*

                             Shari and Jen C.__
                             Briana and Tia___

Chalk Names:
*Draw angel names on side walk during walk for parents of angels using a list provided*

                           Kristen P________
                           Krystal K________
                           Kim A__________

*Take photos of before, during and after the walk; of walkers, angel names, balloon release & the family picnic after the walk (All photographs will be used at the discretion of the photographer)

                           Karie S._________
                           Tammera H.______

After Walk

Family Picnic:

We are in need of a few people to set up tables and possibly tents, Bring and set up Food and Beverages, Supplies such as cups, napkins, utensils, etc. You can post if you would like to bring a dish to pass, or certain supplies. ANY and ALL contributions are greatly appreciated and together can make this work! I will add names and contributions below here as I receive them.

Things & People needed:

*Feel Free to sign up by leaving a message here, through Email or on our Face book page!

Water: Alex's Family
Plates: Mandy P
Napkins:Mandy P
Utensils:Mandy P
Cups:Mandy P
Beverages: Kayes 4 2liters
Dishes to Pass: Alex D. Aubrey J.
Tables for food: Kayes 2-6' tables
Coolers for beverages: Alex D.
Pop Up Tents:
Set up and Clean up Volunteers: Matt K

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